“I’m on my way, new friends and new places to see” :)

Oh how I love this…the feeling of adventure, the unknown, the excitement of exploring and living new things, I just can’t have enough of it! 🙂 …and this song describes it so well! 🙂large (1)“Tell everybody I’m on my way
New friends and new places to see
With blue skies ahead yes
I’m on my way
And there’s no where else I’d rather be

Tell everybody I’m on my way
And I’m loving every step I take
With the sun beating down yes
I’m on my way
And I cant keep this smile off my face (…)”

2014 is here! :D

Happy 2014 everyone!!! 😀 I just got back today from my amazing New Years in Germany! It was such a great time and getting to see my best friends again was just amazing! As always, unforgettable memories were made! 🙂 Can’t wait to share them with you soon! 🙂 I hope you have all also had an amazing starting of 2014! Let’s all wake up every morning and think: this is going to be a great year! 🙂 the more we say it, the more we believe it, and that attracts all good energies right? 😀 and talking about new years what are you new years resolutions? 🙂 Here I am going to list mine… so…..

1. Travel as much as I can

2. Stay active! At least 3 times a week go and do sports or any kind of activity!

3. Eat healthy! ^^

4. Volunteer

5. Learn a new language (German, Italian or improve my French)

6. Join a theater company 🙂

7. Save money

Yeah..! I guess these are my top priorities and goals for 2014! What are yours? 🙂

And before I leave you here is a really nice quote I found and thought of sharing! 🙂 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL! 😀