Study/Volunteer Abroad

Fortunately nowadays it is a lot easier to travel around the world than it was a while back! More than going on vacation we can actually get to stay for a long time and get the chance to have a great and unique experience!

Here I give you some links of organizations you may like to look at if you are that kinda of person who likes a new adventure and unforgettable experiences!

Felizmente hoje em dia viajar pelo mundo é muito mais fácil do que era em tempos! Mais do que ir de férias porque não ficar por um longo tempo integrando uma experiência única e que jamias esqueceremos!

Aqui ficam alguns links de organizações que gostarás de dar uma olhadela se fores aquela pessoa que gosta de uma nova aventura e experiências inesquecíveis!

1. AFS –

2. Ok student –

3. Allou Africa –

4. Camp International –


6. SYA –


8. CIEE –

9. ISA –

10. Volunteer (wide variety of places and links to their websites)-

11. Work Away –

12. Wwoof (organic farms) –

13. Help –

14. VSO –

15. Volunteer (wide variety of places and links to their websites) –

16. Lonely Planet –

17. Ujamaa Hostel –

18. Eco teer –

19. The ethical Volunteer –
